Valarie J. Anderson Author

The Footfalls of History- click on the tab above
A blog about forgotten Pearl Harbor stories and more
Just Released
Prequel to Pearl Harbor's Final Warning.
Navigate the rough seas of the 20th century with pioneer radoman George Street as he encounters the Lindberghs and FDR, witnesses an assassination attempt on the Emperor or Japan, "scoops" the Manchurian Incident, and becomes ravaged by polio with in Japan. Faced with financial ruin, foreign doctors, and immobility, he marries his Russian mistress. Then his family betrays him.
Gold Medal Winner for History
A True Story about the message that arrived too late.
On 7 December 1941, Washington sent a message to its Pacific outpost about a potential Japanese attack. All but Pearl Harbor received it in time to prepare. New information from the archives of George Street, District Manager of RCA-Communications, Honolulu, exposes the fatal flaws that resulted in the surprise attack. Operational snafus, collusion, and spies weave a web of misdirection that entangles George Street and his children in one of history's biggest mistakes. Pearl Harbor's Final Warning amends the historical record by presenting unpublished material, including the original copy of General Marshall's coded message. This riveting account tells my family's Pearl Harbor story.
Available at Amazon; Paulina Springs Bookstore; Copperfields, WAAAM, Klindts, Walmart; Erickson Aviation Museum; Herringbone Books

A spy, a family, and an island send shock waves into the future. The Money Eater exposes the depth of Japan’s espionage effort before the Pearl Harbor attack. Self-serving Bernard Otto Kuehn, uses his children, pawns-off his beautiful step-daughter, and hides the truth from his gullible wife for money and fame. Take a journey into America’s past and into the heart of a narcissist. It’s all true and it's available on Amazon.com
Read a review by the Military Writers of America

Award-winning author Valarie J. Anderson believes history is best told through the people who lived it—the ordinary people swept into the cogs of time by happenstance, strong moral convictions, or even circumvention. She is a storyteller, a troubadour of history who helps the reader understand the “why” of things, always her favorite question growing-up.
Her blog, The Footfalls of History, explores the “why” of things based upon research unearthed while writing her non-fiction works: Money Eater; Bernard Otto Kuehn, Pearl Harbor’s Final Warning, winner of two national history awards, and her recently released Sparks in the Ether, A True Story about a Pioneer Radioman. Her current project is about a female Marine who falls in love with a Navajo Code Talker during WWII.
News & Events
Book Signing

20 July, 2024, Radio Day by the Bay, California Hisorical Radio Society, Alameda, Ca.
11 May 2024, Klindts, The Dalles, OR.
13 April 2024 WAAAM, Hood River, OR
6 July 2024 Authors Table :Art and Wine Festival, Eugene, OR.
20 July 2024 Radio by the Bay, CA. Historical Radio Society, Alameda, Ca
26 July, Friday Art Walk, Paulina's Books, Sisters, OR.
August: Madras Air Show, Erickson Aviation Collection
1-2 September 2024 Author's Table: Oregon State Fair, Salem, OR
13-15 September: Oregon State Fair ; Sisters Festival of Books
19 October: HAM Swapoberfest, Rickrell, OR
6 December: Redmond Sr. Ctr
6-7 December Camp Sherman Holiday Bazaar
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